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COVID-19 Guidance For Early Childhood Education and Care Services

More coronavirus cases have arisen in New South Wales recently. The NSW Government has released a guide for the benefit of early childhood education and child care centres. Valley Heights Preschool is compliant with all of the measure listed below. We understand that children are at the same risk of contracting coronavirus as adults. We

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Benefits of Dramatic Play in a Child’s Development

Children have active and creative minds, and throughout their formative years at preschool they are encouraged to engage in a variety of dramatic play opportunities with their friends and peers. When given the opportunity to exercise creative freedoms and play a role within a story, play or video production, children nurture their social skills whilst

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Learning Conditioning and Keeping Kids Focused

Industry inquiries about the subject have discovered that the up to 40% of Australian children are not occupied with learning whatsoever during tutoring. Given the size of this issue, the question emerges: how to keep kids engaged and mindful during their learning time? How to distinguish when children are losing focus? Early childhood education frames

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5 Creative and Educational Activity Ideas for Children

With the weather starting to heat up, your child will no doubt be eager to get involved in activities such as swimming at the beach or local pool and playing with their friends outdoors. When the sun starts to get a bit too much, these five activities will give your child an opportunity to express

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Separation Anxiety and Preschool – Easing the Transition

The first few weeks of preschool often bring mixed emotions for children and parents. Whilst your child is about to embark on an exciting new stage of life, they may experience some mild anxiety as they come to terms with their new environment and the fact you won’t be around during the day. It is

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Outdoor Gardening Learning Centre

At Valley Heights Preschool and Long Day Care Centre we believe that gardening is a healthy, fun and exciting activity for Children. As children interact with nature they are able to develop new skills and learn about science through growing and nurturing their own food. During the week children are given an active opportunity to

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