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Culturally Responsive Teaching In Early Childhood Years

Australia has a strong immigration history and Sydney is a melting pot of cultures from all around the globe. It’s important to recognise and validate the cultures of children with a multicultural heritage in an early learning environment. The culturally responsive teaching method affirms the cultures of students and incorporates their cultures in multiple aspects

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5 Ways in Which Outdoor Play Benefits Your Child’s Development

There is only so much learning that can be done indoors, and there is perhaps no better classroom than the great outdoors. Playing outdoors gives children the opportunity to develop social skills, nurture their physical and mental wellbeing and gain a better understanding of nature. The benefits of outdoor play are well understood, here are

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COVID-19 Guidance For Early Childhood Education and Care Services

More coronavirus cases have arisen in New South Wales recently. The NSW Government has released a guide for the benefit of early childhood education and child care centres. Valley Heights Preschool is compliant with all of the measure listed below. We understand that children are at the same risk of contracting coronavirus as adults. We

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Benefits of Dramatic Play in a Child’s Development

Children have active and creative minds, and throughout their formative years at preschool they are encouraged to engage in a variety of dramatic play opportunities with their friends and peers. When given the opportunity to exercise creative freedoms and play a role within a story, play or video production, children nurture their social skills whilst

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The Importance of Early Childhood Education

As Brisbane and the rest of Australia comes out of lockdown, we’d like to highlight the importance of investing in an early childhood education for your child. It’s a common belief that children don’t start learning until they’re enrolled in school, however their earlier years, from ages 0-4 are actually some of the most formative.

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Learning Conditioning and Keeping Kids Focused

Industry inquiries about the subject have discovered that the up to 40% of Australian children are not occupied with learning whatsoever during tutoring. Given the size of this issue, the question emerges: how to keep kids engaged and mindful during their learning time? How to distinguish when children are losing focus? Early childhood education frames

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