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Tips for Building Resilience in Kids

Resilience may be defined as the protective emotion that helps us cope and get through adversity, tragedy, threats, trauma, and other sources of stress. When it comes to resilience in children, it relates to a child’s ability to deal with ups and downs and recover from the challenges they face during childhood. Building resilience from

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Tips for Choosing the Right Toys for Kids

One of the most rewarding experiences of parenting is to see our children grow and learn. In this exciting journey, toys often play an engaging part. Thoughtfully selected toys can go a long way in promoting skills that are vital to the development of your little one. Right selection of toys for kids can help

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Ways to Instil Leadership Skills in Children

There is no denying the fact that today’s children are the leaders of tomorrow. If proper guidance is provided, each one of them can turn into a leader in some sphere of his or her life. All of us have seen different types of leaders in our lives, from our locality to our country and

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Stress Management Tips for Your Preschooler

Stress is a part of life today for millions of grownup individuals around the world.   Unfortunately, it is increasingly affecting the lives of our children as well. This is why stress management is now an important topic to understand for teachers and parents. Just like adult stress, childhood stress is the result of a number

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How to Help Preschoolers Overcome Separation Anxiety

Sending a child to a preschool for the first time involves a lot of excitement as well anxiety for kids as well as parents. The situation is no different on a child’s first day in a new classroom in his or her old preschool. Many preschoolers enjoy the fun of embarking on a new adventure,

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How to Promote Positive Behaviour in Preschoolers

We all understand the value of positive behaviour in life. Unfortunately, however, not all individuals around us have this quality. A positive attitude not only helps overcome the toughest of challenges life puts us through, but also has a direct impact on our physical as well as mental wellbeing.   In order to help our children

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