
Why We Should Support a Child’s Unique Interests  

Childhood days are all about discovering new things. This is the time when kids gather new experiences that help them discover things they are interested in. It is true that activities that are appealing to 4-year-olds may not continue to be of any interest to them once they grow up. However, it is true that these childhood explorations provide them valuable lessons in terms of getting acquainted with the outer world.   

It is important for parents and teachers to support a child’s unique interests because it has the potential to provide rich dividends for the future development of their children.  

  • Many kids love to dress-up or behave live dinosaurs, Spiderman, or a princess. Some others may be budding athletes who love dribbling a basketball or kicking a soccer ball. By encouraging a child to engage in things they love, you can help them become independent. Therefore, even if you don’t share the same interest, always allow your child or student to pursue his or her unique interests.  
  • When children are encouraged to explore their own interests, they are extremely likely to make friends with other kids with similar interests. Common interests often create a strong bond between children. There are many psychological benefits of these childhood friendships.  
  • Pursuing a hobby or getting involved in a sport not only teaches children about specific games or activities they enjoy, but also helps them acquire crucial life skills and lessons such as problem solving, perseverance, teamwork, sharing, discipline and many others. Dance, sports, and even arts can also improve the physical abilities of a child by improving their coordination, strength, as well as motor skills.  
  • Children pursuing their interests from a young age find it relatively easier to deal with stress. When they start growing up, they often look at these activities and hobbies to cope up with adverse situations. Therefore, if you want your children to master these coping strategies, always encourage them to explore their interests.  
  • Don’t forget that all education doesn’t happen in the classroom. Something as simple as painting a picture or reading books can contribute to a child’s problem-solving skills and brain development. As we all know, all of these are extremely essential to a child’s academic performance.  

How to Help Children Pursue their Unique Interest  

Here are some simple ways to support your children’s interests. 

  • We, as parents, often want our children to have interests similar to ours. This may be natural, but not realistic. Spend enough time with your children to find out their interests and encourage them to the best of your abilities.  
  • Please remember that it is never too early to start figuring out your child’s interests. Whenever possible, create ways for them to engage in their favourite activities at home.  
  • If your child is interested in any specific topic, determine the level of interest and find out ways to help. 
  • When it comes to finding your child’s interests, listening and watching are two excellent tools.  
  • Try to avoid over-commitment while supporting your child’s interests. This can very easily lead to exhaustion and burn out.  

If you have more questions related to your child’s early childhood development, please contact our expert educators at Valley Heights Preschool Long Day Care Centre.