
Tips to Address Your Child’s Behaviour Problems at School 

Parents often get confused, embarrassed, and upset when they receive a phone call or a note about their child’s behaviour from the school. It is important to remember that behaviour problems at school are quite common for a young kid and there is no need to panic. Some of the most common behavioural issues for them include lying, defiance, aggression, temper tantrums, disrespectful behaviour, whining, impulse behaviour, etc.  Also, please remember if your child is displaying undesirable behaviour, your response will determine whether he/she will repeat similar behaviour in the future.

If you notice that your child is prone to behavioural issues at school, there are many ways to deal with the situation and rectify it. The most important first step here is to work with the teachers and school administrators to find out why your child is behaving in an undesirable manner. 

  • Try to find out whether your child has frequent behavioural issues or if it is an isolated incident. If it is an isolated incident, it is likely resolve on its own within a few days. However, if your child tends to get into trouble regularly, you must get in touch with his/her teacher. Communicate with them on daily basis to get a clear idea about your child’s behaviour. 
  • Many psychiatrists suggest that compared to correcting the wrong behaviour of the child, it is far more productive to praise their good behaviour. The idea here is to pay more attention to their good behaviour rather than instances when they behave badly in class. At this tender age, most children love to receive praise and attention. Therefore, over some time, this approach may increase good behaviour in a child. 
  • Rewarding and reinforcing good behaviour is a great way to help children behave in school. When they receive good reports and remarks from the school, parents must appreciate and celebrate their success. Motivate them to keep up the good behaviour by setting up a reward system. Please remember these rewards need not cost any money at all. It can be a trip to your child’s favourite playpark or some extra video game time.   
  • Despite all your efforts, there will be days when your child will struggle with his/her behaviour. On these days, sit with your child to find out what led to the problem and discuss how he/she can behave better the next day. Stay calm throughout the discussion and look for input from your child. In some instances, children can explain why they behaved in a specific manner. However, if your child is not ready to talk about it, postpone the plan instead of pushing. 
  • If your child continues to misbehave at school despite all your efforts, you may have to consider consulting a therapist. Try to find a therapist who can help him or her deal with the root causes leading to the problem. Be extremely patient and empathetic towards your child throughout the process. 

If you have any other questions related to the challenges encountered during the developmental phase of your child, please contact our expert educators at Valley Heights Preschool Long Day Care Centre.